Acne is a disease of the skin and is of two types – Acne vulgaris and Acne rosasea. Acne vulgais is the principal form that we most commonly see in our surroundings. In some cases, there is extensive scarring. For this ultramodern treatment like LASER ablation has been invented. But first, we need to have some idea about the formation of acne.
Acne vulgaris is a self limiting disease of the skin among the adolescent and the teenager. Nevertheless, it has noticed among the adults also. Acne occurs because of increase in the sebum production from the sebaceous glands after the person attains puberty. Sebaceous gland is a special type of gland present in the epidermal layer of the skin. Comedones which are tiny cystic lesion appear in the hair follicles because of obstruction in the follicular opening. This is due to retention of sebum and other keratinized materials. After that, because of some bacterial action (Propionobacterium acnes) inside the cyst causes discharge of some inflammatory stuff from the sebum – which is free fatty acid in nature. This acids cause continuous irritation within the cyst wall. Sooner or later the cysts break down and the resulting condition is what we can see is acne. Acne vulgaris can be seen most commonly over the face. Nevertheless, chest and the back side can get involved also. In most of the cases, acne remains docile and does not essentially lead to scar formation. In some patients, it is seen that the tiny cysts collapse together and there is major scarring.
LASER ablation technique is one of the noteworthy methods that have been invented today to get rid out of scarring.
Dermatologists are applying LASER for treatment of any black spot or scar including removal of birthmarks and hairs present in unwanted places, sharpening of wrinkles and most certainly removing the scarring of acne.
In the past, when LASERs were initially prescribed as a treatment option for acne scarring, the outcome was not persuasive as the dermatologists anticipated it. In fact, some of the persons having dark complexion were criticizing excessive scarring because of increase in the pigmentation. Nevertheless, the condition is not like that today.
In the November 1980, Dr. Tina S. Alster, MD Washington Institute of Dermatologic Laser Surgery and Georgetown University conducted test using pulsed dye LASER to the condensed overgrown scar. She stated that long lasting improvement in the appearance of the majority of the scars. "Clinical assessments and skin surface texture analyses using a computer image analyzer showed that the laser-irradiated scars approximated normal skin characteristics," Dr. Alster remarked.
Scientists have proved that combination therapy involving Carbon dioxide laser vaporization along with pulsed dye technology was prominent to sustain the improvement in less inflammatory, minimally thickened scars. 1450 nm diode laser was used for the treatment. The procedure was pointing of short spurts of laser in and around the scar. The scar marks were treated with non-overlapping, single pulses at the power of 1 and 14 Joules per cm2, with a 6 mm spot and 40 millisecond of cryogen spray cooling. The procedure was conducted under local anesthesia in a outpatient situation. Few days of convalescence and some soreness were observed in some of the cases. The result was extremely acceptable. After one sitting, total scar number were reduced to 37%, 50% after two sittings and more than 80% after three sittings. The pain of the surgical procedure was nominal and patients tolerated it very well.
Now the conclusion could be – different therapeutic methods for the management of acne scar are on the rise. Two accepted mechanisms of action might clarify the consequences of LASER treatment. They either lower the numbers of Propionibacterium acnes present inside the glands or reduce the size of sebaceous glands by charring.
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