Acne is a very common skin disease. Most of us may suffer from this disease at some point of our life. There are two varieties of acne – Acne vulgaris and Acne rosasea. Acne vulgaris is the predominant form of acne. It usually occurs in the adolescents and teenagers. Acne rosasea mostly occurs in the middle aged women.
Acne vulgaris is usually benign and does not leave any kind of scar or discoloration. But sometimes, the lesions fuses together to form an ugly looking scar. Acne rosasea occurs in those persons who usually blushes or flushes. It also leaves some kind of scar at the site of occurrence, although that is lesser than Acne vulgaris.
By adopting some simple measures, we can be able to minimize the skin discoloration to the area it develops.
a) Cleanse the surface thrice a day with a mild non detergent cleanser –
Thoroughly wash your face using the tip of finger only. Do not use whole of palm. Do not rub too much also. You may open up those lesions which may never been lead to scar formation. Use a mild foaming face wash. Make sure it is non-detergent based. If you do not wash your face properly, detergents may leave some particle to the face which is irritating in nature. It flares up the inflammation procedure in case of acne. If you find any red colored itchy area, choose a cleanser which contains Benzoyl peroxide. Do not forget to wash your face thoroughly after cleansing. Then repeat the procedure once more. Lastly, pat dry your face with a cotton towel.
b) Always use an astringent or toner –
Apply a good quality astringent lotion in a piece of cotton and gently slide along the area you have just washed. It will take out any cleanser residue and oil. If your skin is dry in nature, go for an alcohol free astringent.
c) Application of the medications –
It is the time to apply the acne medication. When the astringent dries completely, gently make a coating using the index finger. Use it as per the direction of your doctor. Do not rub it harshly and allow sufficient time to gat it absorbed.
d) Application of an oil free gel –
Now you can use the oil free gel or moisturizer you use regularly. Always buy a good quality oil free gel.
There are some home remedies for the acne also. These are tried and tested for centuries and it is sensible to give a try. Some of the home remedies are mentioned below which considerably lowers the skin discoloration. They are easy to prepare and the method of application does not require anything complication.
Make a paste by mixing one tsp of cinnamon powder and three tablespoon of best quality honey. Apply the mixture over the dark spots. Leave it for 1 hour, and then wash with lukewarm water.
Take one tsp of cinnamon powder and one tsp of freshly prepared lemon juice. Mix them well and apply all over the face.
Garlic paste is known for its depigmentation property. You must use a freshly prepared garlic paste. After half hour of application of the paste, wash with lukewarm water.
Alternatively, you can use fresh tomato pulp also. First remove the skin of tomatoes and using the pulp, make a thick paste. Apply it similarly.
Take 50 ml of un-boiled milk in a cup. Add 1 tsp of Nutmeg powder to it. Make a thick paste. Apply it similarly.
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