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Friday, October 12, 2007

Smart Bomb

Smart Bomb

“Smart bomb” is a “Dumb Bomb” with a BRAIN.

Therefore, first we need to get an idea about what is a “dumb bomb”!

Dumb bomb is a conventional bomb that comprises of any kind of explosive materials packed in a proper case with a fuse. When fuse goes off, it creates a chain reaction within the explosives resulting in explosion. The fuse is thus a triggering device-a timer. It can be of two types- an impact sensor or a target proximity sensor.

A dumb bomb- when dropped from an airplane goes down due to gravitational force. It has no steering capacity. The pilot has to be very precise reading the target and delivering the bomb in exact time. Otherwise, he may use dozens or hundreds of bombs to accomplish his mission (Cluster bombing). This of course may damage civilian personnel or even their fellow fighter (friendly fire).

A smart bomb is practically a “Dumb bomb” with some attachments to steer itself to the target. Therefore, it is having the following attachments: -

1) A system of sensors

2) An on board computer control system.

3) A set of adjustable flight fins with a power source.

When a plane releases a smart bomb, with its forward & downward velocity the on board mechanism steers it to the target. When the bomb is “in flight”, its sensor system and control system constantly monitors the target which was being fed to its “memory” before being released and guides itself. That is why, a smart bomb is also called “Guided bomb”. Unlike missiles, a “smart bomb” does not have any propulsion system.

The maneuvering ability works just like as airplane.

Smart bomb usually has a target proximity sensor. Just before thudding into the target, the fuse goes off and the explosive ignites.

Depending upon the “seeing capability” a smart bomb can be of different types.

1) Radio controlled;

2) Laser guided;

3) Radar or Infrared imaging technique;

4) Satellite guided;

5) Fusion technology.

pictures: -

TOP-1) this is a latest smart bomb using combined GPS/ IR and LASER guided technology (fusion technology)

(pic courtsey-wikipedia)

BOTTOM LEFT - 2) this bomb has optical sensor system.

BOTTOM RIGHT - 3) LASER guided smart bombs are being dropped from F15 fighter.

(pic courtsey- howstaffworks)

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