Hoodia gordonii, a cactus like plant from the Apcynacae family is found extensively in the South Africa, Botswana, Namibia and Angola. It is extensively used traditionally by the San people of Southern Africa not only as an appetite suppressing agent, but as a thirst reducer also besides as a therapy for the abdominal pain, hemorrhoids and indigestion. Researchers have shown that without the supporting elements in the natural Hoodia gordonii, much of the effectiveness of the suppressant and other herbal benefits are lost.
Till now, the aptitude of Hoodia gordonii as appetite suppressor by virtue of its active molecule – p57 are talked much. But you may not find a good discussion about the different forms like pills, extracts, tablets, powder - by which you can use it. It is also not mentioned that which form is the best one to take Hoodia gondii to get the benefit of the preparation in its best.
Hoodia tablets or pills can offer maximum 2-20% of absorption from the GI system when taken orally. The reason behind the fewer amounts is that it has to be present in the tablet as binders. All these are non-active components and do not cause any good to human. It is used to keep all the ingredients in a tablet to remain together. Only then, we get the completed product as tablet. We have no choice but to accept this. Actually this property remains same to all the tablets (regardless of herbal or medicinal). Once inside our body, the reverse process gets started and the ingredients get unbind once again. For some people, it is not so easy to break down the ingredients comprehensively.
Then again, Hoodia gordonii ingested in a liquid form is absorbed almost instantaneously and completely. The greater part of the people may experience its effects within a couple of minutes after gulping it.
Another key benefit of Hoodia extract is - it provides you the same or better outcome than the pill, at a much lower dose. You need not take 2-3 tablets daily. It is due to the fact that Hoodia in extract form is absorbed much faster and in the fullest of amount in compared to the pill form.
The extract is much easier to swallow, while some people feel it difficult to swallow the larger pills and capsules. Extracts are the easiest way to administer the product to children and the aged persons (although Hoodia is not recommended to children yet).
As the liquid form takes less time for absorption, it goes immediately into the blood flow, which helps you to feel its result almost immediately, while pills can take hours to reach you to the same effect.
The biological availability of the extract is almost 95-98% whereas, in case of pills, it is only 2-20% as its best. So the action is quicker and more effective.
The extract form is not changed to powder unlike pill. So the chemical structure remains same although from the point of extraction to the digestion and metabolism. It has no binders. So you can expect Hoodia gondii in its purest of forms.
If you are thinking of buying Hoodia gondii, think again and go for the Hoodia extact variety.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Which is better? Hoodia Extract vs Hoodia Pill
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11:24 PM
Labels: Hoodia extract, Hoodia pill
Stop Smoking Help
Are you a smoker? In some part of your life, you must have tried to quit this bad habit, but somehow you became unsuccessful. Then you might be unaware of the factors that need to be kept in mind. Well, let me guide you.
First let us discuss some of the harmful effects of smoking in brief.
Smoking can cause you heavily. Most of the lung cancer patients are chronic smokers. And the variety of this cancerous condition is extremely obnoxious. It spreads quickly throughout your body before the doctors can help you.
Smoking increases the risk of stroke and heart attack by increasing the cholesterol level in the blood. There is more chance of thrombus formation.
Tobacco smoke has the power of increasing the blood sugar level by inducing glycogenolysis and neutralizing the body’s response to insulin.
There are many other detrimental effects. But the detailed discussion is beyond the scope of this small chitchat.
Now, let us talk about the tidbit of the process of quitting.
There are six basic rules that you should keep in mind. You should exercise them jointly for better result.
The first thing is to find the reasons to quit. If you don’t think the above mentioned reasons are sufficient, you may never be able to quit.
The second thing is getting ready. To start with, you need to fix a target date. Then make the ambience friendlier by throwing all the cigarettes, lighters and ashtrays from your home, workplace and the transport you use. If you need to change the carpool you take, do not hesitate a bit. Do not permit anybody else smoke around you at your place. Be rigid. Avoid cocktail parties for a while. Rethink about your past experiences to quit smoking. Think about what worked well and which did not. Try the positive approaches. And lastly, after the target date, do not smoke, not even a puff.
The third thing is to ask for support. There are study reports that suggest you will have a better chance of quitting if you are covered up with some kind of help from your near and dear ones. The simple ways to ask for help are from your family members, friends and colleagues. Inform them that you are going to quit the habit and need their support. Request them not to smoke around you. You may seek help from your doctors, counselors. Sometimes a medication may be needed. Get the benefit of group counseling. The more you attend the program, the better chance for quitting. Get information from your local public health care institutions for their roster of quit smoking program.
Fourth thing is to discover the new skills and behaviors. Try to divert your mind from the urges to smoke. Just try out new things that you like; go for a ride, go to the places you like most, talk to your friends over phone. The main thing is to distract your mind at the time of urges. Drink water at least 3 liters a day.
The fifth thing is getting some professional help. You may need some medications. Consult your doctor and use it wisely. Everyone wants to quit smoking may be benefitted from medication.
And last but not the least; be mentally prepared to fight against the relapse or ‘withdrawal symptoms’. It is the time, when utmost care is needed.
It is seen that with strong determination, 6 out of 10 smokers can quit smoking.
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11:23 PM
Labels: quit smoking, smoking, tips for quit smoking