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Sunday, December 23, 2007

Beauty Routine

· Shampoo your hair at least once in a week. Those who frequently travel should increase the rate.

· Use good quality shampoo.

· Rinse well with water after shampooing.

· Do not use plastic comb. Try to use wooden wide toothed comb.

· Do not wrap your hair tightly with your towel after shampooing. Gently dry it out.

· Your hair needs trimming in every three months.

· Use sunscreen lotion/ gel. Apply it over the exposed parts at least 30 minutes before going out.

· Before going to bed in the night, clean your face with a face wash that suits your skin type. Then wash with lukewarm water.

· Use superior quality cold cream, moisturizer in the winter season.

· Consult your doctor. According to his prescription, take multivitamins, Calcium tablets regularly.

· Use homemade musk and scrub at least once in a week.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Common problems arising during pregnancy, (include) polyhydraminos, swelling and edema, urinary-tract problems (infections)


This is the excess of liquor amnii to cause abnormality in pregnancy or labor as detected clinically at any stage of pregnancy. Statistically, the excess means more than two liters of liquor amnii.

Incidence rate is about 05-1% according to various estimates.

Causes- the cause is still unknown. The liquor amnii is not static but is constantly changing to new production and absorption. The hydramnios possibly results from deficient absorption and/or excessive production of liquor amnii. A malformed fetus (with that of Central Nervous System) lacks behind in swallowing liquor and in antidiuretic hormone leading to excess of urination.

Clinical conditions commonly associated with polyhydramnios are-

1. Twin pregnancy especially monozygotic twins.

2. Certain fetal malformations- anencephaly(50%) cases, open spina bifida and atresia of the esophagus.

3. Diabetis mellitus. 20-30% cases develop polyhydramnios.

4. Hydrops fetalis due to Rh-isoimmunization.

5. Chorioangioma of placenta may be an associated factor.

As a rule, composition of liquor amnii in polyhydramnios does not differ from the normal cases.


§ Undue enlargement of abdomen occurs with difficulty in walking.

§ Breathlessness, palpitation especially in the recumbent position and also coming on exertion.

§ Pain abdomen.


§ Signs of pregnancy.

§ There may signs of Pre-ecclampsia. High BP, edema leg, proteinuria are commonly detected.


§ Ultrasonography is possibly the easiest and definitive investigation.


§ In early cases, expectant treatment is tried by bed rest, restriction of extra salt and drinks.

§ Amniocentesis- abdominal amniocentesis gives relief in maternal discomfort and tends to prolong pregnancy when fetal malformation is excluded in chronic or acute polyhydramnios.


Edema is not uncommon during pregnancy because of accumulation of fluid in body tissues. Swelling of the feet, ankles and hands is most common. Face may also become puffy. The problem usually is worse at the end of the day and in warm weather. This is most common in the last three months.

It usually regresses after giving birth. If edema is so severe that it hampers mother’s daily work, restriction of fluid intake, salt restricted diet is prescribed.


Urinary tract infection is detection of significant amount of 100,000 colonies or more per ml. of on two occasions in bladder urine of pregnant women collected by midstream voiding. This is called Asymptomatic Bacteriuria (ASB).

About 25% of women with ASB complicates into Pyelonephritis.

Treatment is by third or fourth generation cephalosporin after urine culture and sensitivity.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Common problems arising during pregnancy, (include) dizzy spells and fainting, nausea and hypermesis gravidarum

During pregnancy, one can feel a spell of dizziness or sense of fainting anytime during the day.

This is mainly because of iron deficiency.

Normally during pregnancy, hemoglobin level gets down. If is not corrected by adding iron preparation, the level further falls. As hemoglobin carries much needed oxygen, and its deficiency causes lack of oxygen in the brain, the person may feel dizziness.

Treatment is adequate rest, iron preparation.

Nausea and Hyperemesis gravidarum

Nausea is common in pregnancy. Especially in first time mothers. Morning time nausea is mostly seen (Morning sickness).

Increase level of the hormone estrogen and hCG is the main culprit of nausea. As the duration of pregnancy increases, feeling of nausea decreases.

Hyperemesis gravidarum

This is severe bouts of vomiting in pregnancy particularly during early period causing deleterious effect on mother’s health. Weight loss, dehydration, acidosis occur from starvation.

Incidence- 1 in 1000 pregnancies.

Causes- unknown. Factors considered responsible are- 1. Nurosis, 2. Hormonal flood of hCG and estrogen during early pregnancy triggers Vomiting center in the brain.


First time mothers are more affected. Excess vomiting and retching day and night. Vomitus is initially watery, then billous, coffee ground. Nothing can be taken by mouth. Loss of weight. Markedly less output of urine (Oliguria). Infrequently mental symptoms like restlessness, lack of sleep, disinterest to everything (apathy), coma, confusion with loss of memory. Eye symptoms like- double vision, dimness of vision or even blindness.


Patient is emaciated and dehydrated (loss of weight, shrunken eyes, dry tongue, increased pulse rate.

Blood pressure falls below 100 mm of Hg (Systolic).

Temperature rises above 100·4° F (38°C).

Jaundice seldom appears. Neurological signs may appear.


Urinalysis- Volume small, high colored, high specific gravity. Protein, bile pigment, acetone appear in the urine.

Urine Chloride falls or absent.

Blood- Hb% hematocrit rises, Serum SGOT & SGPT rise. Urea, Creatinine rise. Fall in Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Bicaarbonate.

Ophthalmoscopy- Papilledema, Retinal hemorrhage are serious lesions. ECG changes occur due to Potassium deficiency.

Diagnosis- Clinical.


Prevention- to treat early stage by antiemetics to prevent severe form with morbid changes.

Curative- 1. Isolation. Mild cases improves by changes in place only. Severe case is to hospitalized.

2. Diet- if patient can be able to intake food, in milder cases plenty of carbohydrate rich diet is advised.

But in severe cases nothing per mouth is advocated. Intravenous fluids in the form of 5% dextrose and Ringers lactate is prescribed to correct dehydration.

Among other drugs are Promethazine (Phenergan), Chlorpromazine (Thorazine). Injection of Vitamin B1 is also introduced.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Be careful of Noise Pollution

Noise is defined as the wrong sound in the wrong place at the wrong time. Noise was always been with us, since the days of Adam. But it never was so loud, so intense, so varied and so intolerable as it is now. Noise in the present day has become a grave environmental hazard. Noise of high frequency is very dangerous.

The noise in excess of 85 to 90 decibels can lead to hearing impairment. Indeed, repeated exposure to a headset-recorder played at maximum volume can lead to partial or total deafness.

This unwanted sound, “noise” is an atmospheric pollution resulted from increased industrialisation and technological advances. A soft sound stimulates the brain and a harsh, loud noise damages the hearing and impairs the brain function.

The main sources of noise are industrial and non-industrial type. The former includes transportation and on road vehicular movements; while the latter include noise due to hawkers, use of loud speakers, thunder, domestic appliances and many more.

So, stay away from excess noise and lead a peaceful life.

Thursday, December 6, 2007



Crash dieting has become a fashion to control obesity these days. Due to this, deprived of food means energy, the crash dieter loses concentrations the mind is focused on only to low calorie intake. In crash dieting, you lose sugar and protein and then get into hypoglycemia and protein deficiency. In the long run, starvation can actually lead to increase in the weight because of fluid retention caused by fluid deficiency. Total fat free diet is also not desirable, because the body has an instinctive reaction to protect fats, and what you lose is your muscle mass.

If for the whole life you go on putting weight, how can you expect it to shed in days? These short cut methods will cause weakness and lethargy. In addition, they may lead to hair loss, may lax tissue and the skin. The side effects of this dieting, researchers say, could damage liver and kidney as well. There is no magic wand to reduce obesity in days. It has to be worked out with controlled diet and moderate exercise. And it will take a longer time.